发布时间:2014-08-12 05:09:58
ZGTEK "Cage welding machine line" is used to make filter bag cages, which used in dust collector (baghouse) to support filter bags / bag filters. ZGTEK provides leading technologies in filter bag cage welding industry, from a stand alone machine to a whole automated line, with world class flexibility, quality and cost-efficiency.
1. The six machines are basic configuration of a cage welding line.
1) 16 or 24-vertical wires cage body welding machine DLN-24/DLN-16,
2) Ring making machine R-6-300 / RM-6-310,
3) Air-operated butt welding machine UR-40,
4) Top collar welder for filter cage DS-80,
5) Bottom cap welder for filter cage DX-80,
6) Wire straightening machine TZ2.8-5,
Cage size: OD100-200mm
Material: Mild steel wire, Stainless steel wire, Galvanized carbon steel wire, Titanium steel wire, etc.
Sizes of steel wire: 2.8-6mm
3. Requirements of one complete production line:
1) Workshop area: 10m*20m
2) Power capacity: 45-50KVA
3) Workers: 5 people for a running line
4. Output
For example: Filter cage: 24 vertical wires * 6000mm Length, Ring distance: 50-200mm.
Daily output: 25pcs/hour, 250pcs (10hours/day)
Annual output: 70000pcs (280days)
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嘉兴市浙工数控焊机有限公司 电话: 传真: 联系人:
地址: 主营产品:过滤笼焊机生产线,袋笼焊机,点焊机,多头焊机,Filter bag cage welding machine line, CNC cage welder,Auto ring making machin
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